Thursday 13 August 2009

And some Artwork

Yes, I am working on the animation at the moment... But most of the stuff is simply incomplete or not ready to be shown yet. So I figured I could show you some shots from scenes I have prepared so far :). This one is from a scene where Captain Bullshit loses it. It's more detailed then most shots, as it is a very powerful/funny/dramatic moment. Kinda the Ren & Stimpy feel, only Joost-style.

And I think it's time I revealed 'old man Earl'. The following picture is actually the first time I drew him. By now, I have made his face a bit smaller with more emphasis on the chin. Don't have any finished pictures of that yet, though (am quite close to finishing them, just not yet...),  so here's Earl.

I'm quite happy with the design for Earl, as he seems to fit nicely along with the style I used for Captain Bullshit himself. I'm hoping to finish a lot of the artwork from one of the to-be-animated-scenes, so hopefully I'll actually do some animation tomorrow. The mouths required for lipsync are a pain, however, they take forever to make and recycling them would simply look bad.

On another note, I have received my first background art from Artrix, and I must say it looks great! Just what I expected from him, the perspective in the art is just amazing. I'll post pictures of it as soon as I have characters to put in that particular scene/background. 

That's it for now. Hopefully more posts the next coming few days.

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