Sunday, 16 August 2009

FINALLY! Animating!

This marks the first day I truly felt like I was 'animating'. Now don't think I've been sitting on my bum so far. I animate in Anime Studio Pro, which basically is a computerized cut-out animation program. It's very easy, and goes really fast, but the preparation (the puppets to use) take a lot of time. Fortunately, the bulk of the work I'll be tackling for the school deadline is done.

I'll be honest. I had some doubt as to weither or not my models would work. Especially the lipsyncing was causing me nightmares. Fortunately, it worked GREAT! Better then I had even hoped :). Sure, it's a little gimmicky, and there have been better attempts at lipsyncing (darn you, Disney!), but I'm happy with it for now. I really laughed my butt of when I saw the results. My poor computer wasn't laughing, however. It seems that working in Full HD is a step too challenging for it. It lets me animate in Full HD, and export it too, but playing it... That's a different story alltogether.

I'll go back to work now, and finish another scene. When that's done, I'm positive that I can put out that particular scene before the deadline. So long!

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